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Neck pain

Neck Pain

Many people experience neck pain occasionally. In most of the cases it can be due to faulty posture mechanics or overuse. Sometimes, it can be caused from fall from height, contact sport or whiplash.

Symptoms Of Neck Pain

Neck Pain can often be associated with neck stiffness, pins and needles in the arm, shoulder stiffness and related pain in the shoulder blade, head, arm, wrist and hand.

Causes of Neck Pain 

It can be caused by a sprained ligament, pressure on a disc or a muscle strain or spasm. Neck pain can also be a result of poor postural habits at work, poor sleeping habits , whiplash associated disorders following MVA, strains while playing sports or stress related incidents in one’s life.

Osteoarthritis(Spondylosis), which causes narrowing of the space between vertebrae and the growth of bone spurs can cause compression on the nerves and leads to pain radiating down to the arm and upper back.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Herniated cervical discs are some of the other possible causes for pain

Treatment Of Neck Pain

Our Experienced Physiotherapists have training in the assessment and diagnosis of musculoskeletal injuries. They employ the most advanced evidence based techniques and treatment tailored for your needs .

Apart from providing rapid pain relief, there are a number of other important ways that our Physiotherapists can help with neck pain.

Our Physiotherapists offer a broad range of treatment options such as, soft tissue release, trigger point therapy, exercise prescription and joint mobilization. As a result, they are in the best position to improve your range of movement, flexibility, strength and thereby helps you to restore function.

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